Trilogy, Limassol Seafront

Trilogy, Limassol
RCB Bank S.A. / Trilogy Limassol Seafront Ltd
Παρεχόμενες Υπηρεσίες
Οικονομοτεχνική Παρακολούθηση Έργου
Limassol, Cyprus

We are providing project monitoring services to the Senior Lenders for the construction works of this beachfront complex development.

Project Summary

The Project is to be an integrated beachfront complex comprising a total of 140,000 square metres GIA in three high-rise apartment and office buildings; the 39-floor 69 apartment and 52 offices West Tower, the 36-floor 127 apartment East Tower and the 37-floor 111 apartment North Tower.

The West and East Towers will stand over a two-level basement providing for residents’ parking and plant rooms and a podium forming large landscaped public plaza with retail and restaurant units at the northern end. The North Tower will stand over five levels of public and private parking and retail units and a large private recreation area with pools, tennis court, children’s play area and other facilities for residents’ exclusive use at podium level.

Trilogy, Limassol
Trilogy, Limassol